Vital Things You Should Know About Hair Loss Treatments

By Steven McCracken 

The short answer is: it depends on your type of hair loss. However, here are 5 facts of which you should be aware before embarking on a hair restoration program:

1) Be wary of 'miracle' cures.

The truth is the ability to totally reverse hair loss is rather rare - and impossible if your loss is significant and genetic. Some individuals find it useful to look to other family members to gauge the likelihood of occurrence of hair loss - for instance, male pattern baldness tends to affect fathers and sons in a similar pattern at a similar stage in life. Many topical treatments that promise you a full head of hair often work by simply slowing down loss or thinning. Always seek advice from your GP before investing in a topical hair loss treatment program.

2) Always seek advice and treatment from a qualified and experienced hair loss consultant.

Although your regular hairdressers possess an impressive knowledge of hair, he or she is more than likely not a qualified hair consultant. Often, people address their concerns after a hairdresser has highlighted the problem - but professional advice should be sought from an expert hair clinic or a trichologist, or your GP. 

A trichologist is a medically-qualified specialist who is able to prescribe a correct course of treatment to suit your needs. A good clinic will offer a range of services and cater to a wide customer base that includes men, women, and children (i.e. not just adults!). Searching online for your local hair clinic is always a good place to start and initial consultations are normally free and without obligation.

3) Transplants are popular - but not always the best option.

Thanks to advances in surgical procedures, hair transplants are enjoying an increase in popularity. A hair transplant utilizes your own hair, growth occurs naturally and should continue for the rest of your life. If the surgery is done well and the outcome is successful then the results can be life-transforming. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for surgery - after all, it is a major surgery performed under anesthetic and involves a period of recovery.

 Thankfully, there are lots of hair replacement alternatives available to men and women. You might even want to consider a semi-permanent custom-made hair system that blends real hair with your own. The result is an instant head of hair without surgery at a fraction of the cost!

A good hair loss treatment program can not only boost your hair but your confidence too. For more information on further issues to consider and hair loss treatment programs, speak to the expert team at the leading hair loss clinic A&A Studios


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